A new design and color The soft green color is refreshing to wear and it is lightweight and comfortable as if you are not wearing it
Recommended wearing for sports and sleeping
The blend of three kinds of materials resulted in a soft and comfortable T-shirt Melange woodcarving brings out great shades and atmosphere Stretch ink is used for printing
Recommend for outdoor & sports
A smooth and comfortable T-shirt It’s easy to move around, so it’s perfect for the outdoors! It is comfortable even if it touches the skin directly as an inner layer
marine sports
A T-shirt made of a material that dries easily is useful for marine sports You can enjoy both fashion and comfort with stylish T-shirts
Training and sports with a stretchy T-shirt that is easy to move Recommended when it feels warm when worn as an inner layer in winter I feel cool in the summer as the wind blows Colors can be used regardless of the season It’s comfortable to wear, so it’s a T-shirt you’ll want to wear all year round